Free at last

It’s been a year since I started the cystic fibrosis (CF)* wonder drug Kaftrio and a lot has changed for the better…

Here’s my Top 10 list of positive changes:

  1. I have more energy and have gained some weight.
  2. I rarely cough at all now compared to previously coughing most of the day and night. I don’t suffer from the habitual choking episodes at night, where I felt close to never catching my breath!
  3. I have not needed an Intravenous (IV) session to re-boot my lungs and remove chronic infection since February 2020 and it’s not even on my radar to even need such a treatment.
  4. I have reduced some of my treatment and tablets burden
  5. I have been able to maintain and incrementally improve my lung function and fitness via regular exercise.
  6. I was still able to run twice a week during the winter when I was forced to run outside in the cold due to gyms being closed during the many lockdowns. I hadn’t been able to run outside in the winter months for well over 10 years.
  7. I felt fit enough to be able to re-commence playing field hockey after a break of two years.
  8. I was able to play whole games of hockey for the 1st time in over a decade and felt like I could be competitive on the pitch, rather than just existing.
  9. When I’m playing, I never need to cough up mucus, which was a real problem for the majority of my previous 40 years of playing.
  10. As well as being double vaccinated, I feel more protection should I ever catch Coronavirus or any future infections.
Tim with Katie & Felix in the Isle of Wight, July 2021

For transparency, I’m far from cured and I still have some health challenges:

  1. I still take over 30 pills a day and do around 90 minutes of different treatments (including diabetic care) per day.
  2. Kaftrio does not reduce the 50 years of lung damage so I will need to wait for a different medical intervention for that one.
  3. There has been a one significant side effect to navigate which has caused me different issues and I’m still looking to find solutions for it.
  4. I also got injured (on purpose) by a hockey opponent back in June and had to have 4 stiches in a vertical wound in my right kneecap.
  5. I am beginning to feel the effects of loss of hearing caused by a number of medications (which I have now stopped taking)
Tim having just played a full game of hockey for the 1st time in a decade, June 2021

Overall, I feel blessed with the better quality of my life, being able to take deeper breaths, exercise with more energy and the positive outlook for my life with my family and at work. I’m not free from CF but I feel free at last…

I will keep you posted on my life-affirming moments, trials and tribulations as and when they happen. Please keep reading and sharing my blog and sign-up (on the right hand side tab) if you have not already done so.

Yours cup half full.


Tim Wotton (author of Award-Winning CF Memoir ‘How have I cheated death?’)

* Cystic Fibrosis is one of the UK’s most common life threatening inherited diseases, affecting over 10,500 people. The condition affects the internal organs, especially the lungs and digestive system, by clogging them with thick sticky mucus. This makes it hard to breathe and digest food. Each week, five babies are born with the condition, however, each week, three young lives are also lost to it. There is currently no cure for CF. However, existing gene therapy trials in the UK are bringing people with the illness closer to a form of cure but CF is not that well known and would benefit from more public donations. For more information and to find out more view the CF Trust Website.

About Tim Wotton

I live with my lovely wife (Katie) and spirited 15-year old son (Felix) in Morden, Surrey; working full-time as an internal communications specialist. I'm a health and D&I advocate, storyteller, motivational speaker (on my survival story, the strength of the human spirit and mental resilience coping strategies) and an eternal optimist. I have played sport, particularly hockey, tennis all my life and now regularly go to the gym. Cystic fibrosis has been a huge factor in my life, but not one that overshadows it. I have always had great support from my loving family - parents Margaret and Douglas (RIP), elder brother Chris and my twin brother Jez. I have many rich life insights based on knowing I have a reduced life expectancy and battling against the odds for over 50 years. My eyes and heart have been opened by my health struggle. I'm driven to help others by sharing my life lessons to help anyone with health and life issues to help them overcome. My passions include the sartorial arts (believing that it's enlightening to dress like it's your last day on earth), Alfa Romeo cars, spicy food, Harlequins and England rugby, Southampton FC, Wimbledon village and common, Dorset, seascapes, sunsets and military history. I am available for public speaking on this subject matter and can be contacted via timwottonAThotmailDOTcom. I have written a book 'How have I cheated death?' based on my euphoric countdown year to 40 which was published in 2014 and won the 2015 'Best Achievement' Award at the UK People's Book Prize. It is available via e-book, audiobook and paperback at Amazon and to order from UK bookstores. Go to the relevant sites below or in the UK go to a WH SMITH, Waterstones or Foyles bookstore and give them my name, book title and this ISBN number (9781849637190). It’s also available via GARDNER’S, BERTRAM’S, AUSTINMACAULEY.COM, BLACKWELL’S, PLAY.COM, AMAZON.CO.UK AND AMAZON.COM
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6 Responses to Free at last

  1. Nick Malaperiman says:

    Amazing. Top lad

    Thanks, Nick

    • Tim Wotton says:

      Thanks Nick, I appreciate you taking time to comment. You have seen me in some difficult health times so I’m sure the new improvements are a tonic to all who know me! All the best, Tim

  2. DENISE EXON says:

    Thank you for sharing Tim. You provide us with such insight into life with CF. You and Team Wotton are amazing. xxxx

  3. Sara says:

    I love reading your blog Tim you are such an inspiration.. Keep well

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